
How to Keep Your Elderly Parent Fit and Healthy

Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash

Living an active and healthy lifestyle can help your elderly loved one age gracefully. If you want to assist your senior parent in securing a happy, long, and meaningful life, here are six essential tips that can help. 

Talk to their doctor

Before starting this journey, you must first consult your elderly parent's doctor. Find out the health areas your loved one struggles with and other crucial medical conditions. If they have been complaining about an aching back or painful wrist, address them immediately to prevent them from worsening. Have their doctor run an extensive assessment, and do not force your aging parent to exercise without their doctor's consent.

Spend time outdoors

Nature can do wonders for your elderly parents. It can reduce their anxiety, enhance their focus, and lessen the risks of mental problems. Encourage your senior parent to engage in outdoor physical activities such as walking around the neighborhood, strolling on the beach, gardening, or playing with their furry pet at the park. Incorporate more outdoor activities into their schedule and take advantage of what nature offers.

Help them socialize

Isolation can take a significant toll on your elderly parent's overall well-being. To help improve your senior loved one's mental and physical health, help them connect with their trusted friends and relatives. Allow them to spend as much time as possible with people who genuinely care for them.

If your parent is in an assisted living facility, ensure they get plenty of healthy socialization with other residents. If you're still in the process of finding a senior care community, choose a reliable facility with a smaller headcount, such as Longhouse, to prevent your loved one from getting overwhelmed.

Choose appropriate exercise routines

Since most older adults have mobility issues, choose exercises that suit your senior parent's condition. Avoid high-intensity workouts and make it fun as possible. Enroll them in group exercise classes dedicated to seniors to further motivate them.

Do a trial session and join them for the first few classes or until they feel comfortable. Encourage your senior loved one to do basic household tasks such as watering the plants, taking out the trash, and other chores they can safely and comfortably handle.

Monitor progress

While your elderly parent's fitness progress shouldn't be tied to the scale, it is still vital that you track their weight, energy level, and other related health outcomes. Observe your loved one during workouts and note their strengths and challenges.

Do they look exhausted after a workout, or can they move more efficiently than before? Check on your loved one often and remind them to inform you of any pain or unusual symptoms that

manifest after exercising.

Show support

Staying fit and healthy can be challenging for seniors. Your elderly parent needs all the support and guidance they can get, especially from their trusted loved ones. Show your parent how dedicated you are to keeping them happy and healthy. You can also demonstrate your support by providing them with quality exercise equipment, gym membership, and other tools that can help keep them motivated.